I originally created these characters in 2018/19 and recently redesigned them with the intention of making a short video to a song. I went into the video knowing I wanted to focus more on getting the video finished and the story across instead of focusing on making every drawing perfect (because I knew it would stay in limbo forever if I did). I worked on it on and off for months and this page features some screenshots, the finished video, and general character design notes and info on the characters
(The Captain doesn't appear in the video, his interactions with these characters happen at a different point in their lives).

I wanted there to be changing palettes throughout the video, usually changing with a new scene or important beat in the song.
This shows the main palettes, which form a circle by coming back to the starting palette at the end
It also shows the shot similarity between Toller in the inn before capture, with a focus on his branded wrist after losing the fabric that usually covers it in the storm, and the focus on the brand after he'd been captured.